Monday, September 5, 2016

Eggs in a Nest

2 T olive oil
2 cups leek OR 1.5 cups onion OR 1 cup shallots, sliced*
12 oz potatoes in 1-inch cubes, about 4 cups**
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 1/4 tsp Spanish smoked paprika, divided
1/2 tsp salt, divided
1/2 tsp ground black pepper, divided
4 cups thinly sliced Swiss chard or other hardy leafy green, about 1 bunch***
4 large eggs
1/4 cup (1 oz) shredded sharp/aged cheese – Parmesan, fontina, gruyere – whatever you have****
One of the reasons I love this dish is because it’s so adaptable! Here are a few simple swaps, to adjust based on what you have in your fridge.
* Any onion-y thing will do; I suggest smaller amounts as the flavors get stronger
** Use a firm potato (preferably yukon gold, red, or fingerling), not a starchy one (like Idaho or Russet), for best results. Learn more about different types of potatoes.
*** I like Swiss chard because it has just the right texture for this dish. I like to chop up the tougher stems and add them in with the potatoes, to give them more cooking time. Spinach would not be hardy enough, but collard greens or kale could work well. Thinly slice these hardier greens so they cook properly in the timeline for preparing this dish, and be sure to remove and discard their very thick stems.
Rainbow Swiss Chard is so pretty!
**** Really, any sharp cheese will do! Using an aged cheese imparts more flavor and allows you to use less, keeping this dish super healthy. I usually use Parmesan, because I always have it on-hand.
This dish is vegetarian, but you could add bacon or pancetta bits if you like.
Heat a large skillet or pot over medium meat, and add oil. Once the oil is heated through, add your onion, a sprinkle of salt, and cook for 7-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add in potatoes, garlic, and Swiss chard stems (if using). Cover the pot with a lid and cook for about 20 minutes, until potatoes are tender. Stir occasionally, and if you notice things are sticking to the pan, deglaze the pan with a little bit of broth, water, or wine, and put the lid back on.
Once potatoes are basically cooked, add in 1 tsp paprika, another sprinkle of salt, and 1/4 tsp pepper. Add chard leaves and cook 4 more minutes, uncovered, stirring constantly.
Here’s the fun part! Using your stirring spoon, create 4 egg-sized spaces in the veggie mixture. Crack 1 egg into each space, and sprinkle remaining salt,  pepper, and paprika over the eggs. Cover the pot and cook 5-6 more minutes, until egg whites are firm and egg yolks are your desired state of cooked. I like mine a little runny, but to each his/her own!
Sprinkle cheese over the whole mixture, and serve.

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