Monday, September 2, 2013

Successful Volunteer Day. Thank You!

The rain held off and it was a great day to work on the farm (baring a little humidity, but hey- it’s Philadelphia!).  We started off giving the basil a facelift, to give it a renewed take on life!  It seems to be overcoming the downy mildew that was causing it to brown recently. Then we moved on to the peppers, many of which needed to be pulled and put in the weed pile because they are not faring well. With all the rain, the peppers are suffering from Pytophthora, a disease which causes the plants to wilt and die. Sadly there will be fewer and fewer peppers in the upcoming shares. While the group worked in the field, Bill weed-wacked all over the farm, a much needed job! A big thank you to everyone who helped out on Sunday: Jen, Steven, Sondra, Carl, Nolen, Rosi, Carlos, Mariana, Kate and Bill.

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