Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Education Corner

If I could go back in time, I’d want to be a youth summer intern at Henry Got Crops this summer! In addition to working in the field, running the farmstand and helping with the CSA, check out the list of workshops, cooking classes and discussion topics Clare has scheduled for the summer:
make sun tea
Talk about history of CSA and organic food
Where does your tomato come from? Local food movement
fair trade discussion
Make pickles to take home
food miles workshop
Make popsicles and humus
make  sun tea! 
Harvest and organize for youth growers market
What's in your dorrittos
make your tortilla chips with cucumber salad
Soda game 
Food Cultures 
Beet Popsicles, chips and salsa
make up menus of dishes
pickle okra
Education Corner Update II :
One week of our youth internship program is completed! We have fabulous folks working with us this year so please say hello to our six interns as they work with the farm crew! Also, please come show your support for our interns and other farm education programs at our first Youth Growers Market of the season on Friday from 4 -7pm , location TBD. (I will put something up in the CSA building when I know where it will be). Youth farmers from the Urban Nutrition Initiative, Teens 4 Good, Earth Keepers, and Mill Creek will all be representing their various sites. COME OUT  and SUPPORT FARM EDUCATION!!!! 

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