Monday, August 27, 2012

You Made My Day!

Last Friday, my day was brightened on two separate and similar instances. While staffing the Friday pick-up Georgia Kirkpatrick told me how her dinners recently have been almost 100% Henry Got Crops ingredients. The night before, she made sausage from the winter meat share from Saul, with peppers and onions from the vegetable share. She admitted the olive oil wasn’t from here! Then about 4 hours later I got a phone call from Sandy Rotenberg who had just picked up her share a few hours earlier. She was sitting at her table and described to me everything they were eating- everything except the pasta was from the farm. Honestly, both instances came close to bringing me to tears, and probably would have if I hadn’t gotten pulled away almost immediately with some pressing farm task. The fact that these dinners are happening, and the fact that shareholders are excited to share these stories with me, is exactly why I happily spend 80 hours a week doing what I do. This is why I farm- to grow healthy food for my community. This is why I choose to farm with a CSA- to create a community around this farm. This is why I choose to have my CSA pick-ups at the farm- to know the people eating this food and share stories about the experience. Thank you all. I wish every farmer was lucky enough to hear about the joy their hard work brings to those enjoying the fruits of their labor.

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