Monday, July 18, 2011

Weaver's Way Farm Wishlist

In order to keep costs down, and to reuse materials when possible, the farm is seeking the following items. If you or someone you know can donate any of these items, please let me know!

The biggest item we are trying to raise money for is a small tractor with attachments. We are at a scale where we need to be more efficient with our time and energy, if we are going to keep this up year after year! If you know of anyone interested in donating a tractor, or helping us raise money for a tractor, please let me know. We are planning on having a fundraiser this fall to help raise funds for this. If you are interested in helping to organize the fundraiser, please contact shareholder Nancy Dearden at Thanks!

Gardening supplies

Wheelbarrows – plastic preferred, #16 gauge galvanized wire, heat mats for starting seedlings, Gardening gloves – children’s and adult sizes

Hand tools
garden forks, co-linear hoes, oscillating hoes

Power tools

Gas Push Mower, Chain saw, Cordless Drill and weed whacker, saw, staple gun

Clearing tools
Hand pruners and pruning saws

Administrative Support

Assistance with tracking invoices, become the farm historian, photographer

Infrastructure help
Solar lights, Cinder blocks, Lumber in good condition, 55 gallon drums (food grade), fruit trees or interesting perennials from your yard, Wooden or metal plant stakes (6’ or taller), Tire pump (manual)

Harvest and Market
Produce scale, Sturdy folding tables, knives and scissors

Educational supplies

Art supplies (paint, brushes, colored pencils), magnifying glasses and binoculars, soil sampling equipment (probes, sieves, thermometers, ph kits), weatherproof
chalkboard and chalk, Natural History and farming books: children's and adults

Large ticket items
Attachments for BCS tiller: Rotary Plow, Potato digger, BCS walk behind tractor, bed former
attachment for tractor, GIS software, field laptop, printer, photocopier, Small enclosed or metal framed trailer, Electric Utility Vehicle (i.e. golf cart), Wood Chipper, tractor with bucket loader
Thanks for your support!

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