Monday, August 27, 2012

Harvest on Henry Fundraiser-- looking for volunteers

The Harvest on Henry Festival is starting to share up and we are all looking forward to October 20th, the big day!
We still need help in a few key areas, both planning for the event before hand, and lending a hand the day of.  Both can be a great way to fulfill your CSA membership work commitment of 4 hours. Please email Nancy Dearden (  if you are interested in helping in any of the following areas:
Volunteer Coordinator: Help recruit volunteers for the day of (estimated to take 5 hours), and be a point person for volunteers on the day of the event (4 hours)
Ticket Sales: Sell tickets for the various games and activities during the event (4 hours)
Demo/workshop Coordinator: Recruit workshop leaders (some already have been contacted, estimated to take 4 hours), coordinate workshops and demos on the day of the event (4 Hours)
Food Committee:  Work with another CSA member who has started working in this area to solicit outside vendors for food or beverage donations/sales for consumption on site, solicit food trucks to participate, coordinate purchase of water and pretzels and oversee sales table, coordinate food vendor sales on day of event,  contact Weaves Way to purchase apples from orchard to sell at event – oversee sales table, solicit and recruit vendors to set up a table at event for sales (total of about 20 hours)
Product Sales: Work with another CSA member who has started working in this area…. to gather products to be sold, coordinate sale on day of event (total of about 8 hours)

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